Katherine Moes
Ceramics artist Katherine Moes has a knack for creating beautiful raw clay coil pots, ring pitchers, bells, bowls, vessels and more. Her desire to make beautiful objects for her home is leading her into furniture making and larger scale sculpture as well.

Hadley Clark
Clothing artist Hadley Clark uses her process as a platform to teach about sustainability and as a call to action to shop, mend, and dress with a conscience.

Summer in Hindsight
Quick Q&A with the director, lead actor/musician, and fashion designers showcased in Summer in Hindsight, the feature-length West 18th Street Fashion Show film by Peregrine Honig. Learn what inspires them, who they want to work with, and what advice they have for other creatives.
Erica Iman
Erica’s creation process involves experimentation and exploration that is inspired by nature and rooted in inner wisdom. Learn how this ceramics master is growing her business and churning out beautiful new work, just in time for the holidays.

Kianna White
Pop star, artist, actress, model, muse…there isn’t much this Kansas City musician doesn’t do. From bands Tilly & the Wall and Yes You Are, Kianna White breaks out to debut her first single as a solo artist THIS FRIDAY!!!

Sally Linville
Meet the mother hen behind the ever-growing flock of joy-spreading, bespoke Chicken Footstools.

Tyler Woods
A talented actor, singer, and director, with a penchant for costume jewelry, Tyler Woods is making a mark on his community.

Molly Gene
Molly Gene ends her 12-year journey as a One Whoman Delta Thrash Band with a rock-n-roll, on-the-road lifestyle, and begins the next chapter using Music as Medicine, with a foundation in yoga and the intention to heal, from her family farm.

Ashley Lande
Ashley Lande, Christian, author, and psychedelic artist, searches for Truth in everyday life and exults in God through the thick and thin. She’s far out and praising Jesus along the way.

Charlie Mylie
Wizard illustrator Charlie Mylie captures hearts and imaginations, whether illustrating children’s books or performing art on the streets.

Taylor Triano
On design process, working her ass off, and staying sane in a post COVID world.